Social Media Cafe – the return – for the digitally engaged and the digitally enraged

For the digitally engaged and the digitally enraged – Social Media Cafe – the return

We’ve been holding #SMCLIV as a place for people to share opinions, ideas and knowledge on subjects as wide ranging as Open Data, the Internet of Things, Future Gaming and new Media practices. So this is your place to find out what is going on in the background of the world of digital technology.

We have a exciting couple of speakers for you on the 29th May who will make you think differently.

Paul Hagan: Your app ruined my life 

Matthew Hughes: Why Startups Suck at Talking to the Press

We’re also hoping to bring you a third and possibly a forth speaker but are awaiting confirmation from them.

If you’ve never been before here is the low down. We ask speakers to come along and give talks, sometimes these are suggested to them by us and at other times they suggest a talk to us. Talks are given in a relaxed style where it is more about giving people the opportunity to talk, discuss and learn. At the end of the session we have a Q&A style session.

If you have something to share then why not get your name down on the list of speakers. Please complete the form on the website

We already have a fantastic talk lined up for June so it looks like we are going to be doing this on a regular basis once more.

Time: 6-9pm 29th May

Place: Unit 51, Cafe Jamaica Street, Liverpool

Social Media Cafe Liverpool is free.  

Eventbrite - Social Media Cafe Liverpool

New #smcliv it’s a time for sharing

There is nothing quite as nice as sharing knowledge and that is definitely why we created Social Media Cafe way back when Twitter was still only Four!!!

So as we said last week we are kicking off again with the mission to demystify the digital world.

New Venue

We’re going to be starting SMCLIV at a brand new venue – I hear many of your cheering – Yes we are going to be at the gorgeous Unit 51 on Jamaica Street, in the Baltic Area. They’ve kindly agreed to stay open late for us. So many thanks to them.


We haven’t set any dates yet but really wanted to get the ball rolling and get it back into your consciousness that are are rising once again. It will be a weekday and one that doesn’t clash with anything else already going on in the now busy digital scene.

SMCLIV Topics 

We have had some great suggestions for topics to cover but we want more (we always want more)  – so if you have a subject matter that you would love to get out into the open then get your name down on the list as a speaker. When we tweeted this morning that we were starting again we had an instant response from someone wishing to talk about Social Media and the Law so don’t be shy and get your talk down fast.

Submit a talk using the form below

You lead the way

When we started in 2010 there were no groups, no meetups or workshops talking to or teaching people about digital technologies here in Liverpool and now there are so many that whatever your digital area of interest there will be a group of people already meeting to discuss it and all you have to do is look. A good place to do that is in the Liverpool Digital Events calendar.

As soon as we have the first event organised we will let you know but stay in touch so you don’t miss it.

See you soon