Social media cafe – The return again

I thought I’d let you know that I’ve had a meeting with a couple of colleagues and we’re thinking of returning SMCLIV to it’s rightful status as the go to event for all things digital. SMC was never just about social media but about how digital developments were changing the way we work, live and think. Looking back on the subjects we covered over the years Open data, Big data, Mapping, walled gardens, Crowd funding, IOT, maker spaces, Journalism in a digital age and how digital is affecting working practices. That was a lot to cover with some interesting talks, speakers would travel to speak to our audience!!!

So the return. It’s going to be coming sooner rather than later but we’re going to need you to get involved even if it is just to sign up to the mailing list so we can ask you what you think.

Hopefully if all things go well we should see 4 events this year with the first in March hopefully entitled “Internet of people” but we’ll tell you more about that as time goes by.

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