About Social Media Cafe Liverpool

What is Social Media Cafe Liverpool?

Social Media Cafe Liverpool is a fun and informal (but informing!) evening of discussion and socialising for everyone interested in social media. Whether you are newly interested in the digital world, or are already a confirmed social media junky, come and be informed, inspired and share your knowledge and experience.

Each evening is made up of a series of short sessions led by some of the most exciting and forward looking individuals working in social media locally, followed by a chance to ask questions, start your own discussion and meet people. We’re putting the ‘social’ at the heart of our Social Media Cafe.

Use Twitter? Don’t forget to use the hashtag #smcliv for all your Social Media Cafe tweet and follow @SMCLiv for announcement

Who’s to blame?

Social Media Cafe Liverpool is a grassroots event, meaning it is organised by volunteers who live and work in Liverpool. Attendance will always be free, though we may ask you to register so we have an idea of numbers, and we currently do not received any sponsorship or financial support. If you’d like to help out or hold a session at an upcoming event please email socialmediacafeliverpool@gmail.com or find us on twitter @SMCLiv

Find us on Linkedin and join us on Facebook  or find us on Google+

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